Glowing skin at home

Glowing skin at home

We work hard to beautify our skin. In summer we have to deal with many problems, one of which is the sun. We can make our skin beautiful and attractive even in summer.

If you want to know how to beautify your skin in summer, then you must read this blog.

Learn how we can do facials at home.

Ways to beautify the skin -

Be sure to read this blog to know how we can beautify our facial skin in summer season.

Coffee and lemons

Lemons contain vitamin C, which is important for brightening the color of our skin. In addition, coffee acts as an exfoliator. You can mix a teaspoon of lemon juice in coffee to make a mixture. Apply on for 15 minutes. Then rinse with cold water. You do it twice a week, but for best results you repeat it three times a week.

Glowing skin at home

Cucumber mask:

It contains 94% water, it acts as a cooling agent. Not only do we use it in salads but we can also use it on our skin.

Make a mixture by adding basin to cucumber juice. Apply it on your face for 20 to 30 minutes. This mask refreshes our skin as well as gives a natural glow.

Almond Mask

They are rich in vitamin E. Almonds play a very important role in the beauty of the skin. They are also used in many beauty products. Almond masks are very useful for our skin. How can we make it? Are as follows;

Glowing skin at home

Lemons and Almonds

We can make almond mask with the help of these two things. Grind 3 to 4 almonds. Add lemon juice to it. Apply this paste on your face for 20 minutes. Then wash with cold water.

In summer, lemons are an important ingredient in removing suntan, repairing dead cells and removing dark spots. We must use it in summer.

Almonds and milk-

Calcium is also found in milk. Almond and milk mask is very useful for our skin. You can do this to make a mask.

Rinse 8 to 10 almonds in half a cup of water. Grind these almonds the next morning. Apply this mask on your face for 20 to 30 minutes. This mask works very well in summer season. For best results, use it 2 to 3 times a week for 3 months.

Glowing skin at home

Papaya mask

This mask works miraculously. Papaya is the best home remedy for glowing skin. It has bleach and antibacterial properties. It eliminates dead cells, reduces the effects of scars and brightens the skin.

In addition, papaya contains papain, which acts as an exfoliator. It penetrates deep into the skin. It also penetrates into the skin layers and reduces the effects of aging. These things should be for

Add a tablespoon of papaya, a spoon of honey, an egg white to them. Mix all these things and make a paste and apply it on your face and neck. You must use it at least once a week.

Honey hydrates our skin. In addition, egg white closes the pores of our skin. We can get glowing skin with their help.

Glowing skin at home

Lemon and papaya mask

This mask is also very important for our skin. Add lemon juice to a tablespoon of mashed papaya. Apply this face pack on your face for 10 minutes. Then wash your face with water. They reduce the effects of aging on our face. In addition, it acts as a bleaching agent.

Banana mask

Banana is also very useful for our skin, we not only use it on our face but it is also good for hair. To make a mask, mash half a banana and mix honey in it. Apply it on your face for 10 minutes. Then wash.

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