Damage to children's vision due to screens

Damage to children's vision due to screens

Eyes are the great gift of nature, through which life becomes dark. Eyesight, sight and sight are called 'vision'. Vision is the most important of human senses, so the vision should be protected so that the vision is always sharp. Due to the lack of proper awareness regarding eye diseases in our country, millions of people suffer from poor vision since childhood, while thousands lose their vision due to complex eye damage.. If the child is not performing well in studies, one of the reasons may be poor eyesight.

According to a study by UK-based eye care company AScience Optination, the rate of prescription glasses for children aged 13 to 16 has almost doubled in less . Its trigger is pressure on the eyes, blurriness and impaired vision. Researchers say that in 2018, 35 percent of 13- to 16-year-olds needed glasses, compared to 20 percent in 2012. Spectacles are most common among British children who spend 26 hours a week in front of electronic screens, including television.

The company's ophthalmologist says, "Children's eyes continue to develop and their vision continues to change until early adulthood. As time passes, near or far vision is affected, with no symptoms. Only the children know and neither do the parents, that's why it is very important to have an eye check every now and then.

Screen effects:

Earlier children used to watch TV only at certain times. But since the advent of mobile phones and tablets, children's eyes are constantly in front of screens, making it seem almost impossible to turn away as even schooling has become dependent on gadgets and screens since Covid-19. In the past, children were kept away from the TV so that their vision is not affected, but in today's era, we have put the screen in the hands of the children themselves.

"In recent years, doctors have seen more cases of glaucoma and retinal myopic disorders, and the main reason for this is that people are spending too much screen time," says renowned optometrist and member of the EyeSafe Vision Health Advisory Board. has increased. These types of disorders were earlier found in older people i.e. people above 60 years of age but now people are coming with these conditions after reaching the age of 30 years. This number has increased rapidly in the last three to five years as people do not understand the disadvantages of mobile phones and iPads.

Today's children spend most of their lives engaged in electronic devices. Young children have sensitive eyes, they use mobile phones in close proximity, which increases the risk of affecting their vision. According to experts, as you get older, the lens filter in your eyes starts to work, but in children it doesn't, which causes the blue light from mobile phones to travel to the back of their eyes.

Tips for protecting vision:

In a survey, when parents were asked if they get their children's eyes checked regularly, more than 73% of parents responded that they never take their children for an eye test.

If you spend a lot of time using the computer or are so focused on something that you forget to blink, your eyes may become tired, sore, or blurry.

According to experts, whether you are using a computer or a mobile phone, follow the 20-20-20 rule. Every 20 minutes, take your eyes off the screen and look 20 feet in front of you for 20 seconds.

As a parent, never give mobile phones to your children until the age of 2 years. Even after that, allow mobile phones to be used from a distance for a very limited time because children at a younger age can be more affected by the radiation from mobile phones. From 7 to 16 years of age, if children must use mobile phones or tablets. Try to keep children from using them only when needed.

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