Common Monsoon Diseases Prevention Tips

Common Monsoon Diseases Prevention Tips

Monsoon is a very special season, it not only comes to relieve the rigors of harsh summer but also brings with it the fun and excitement of drinking tea with lots of rain. Monsoon is often a blessing from heaven. It's supposed to be, but it's not exactly the kind of fun as this season also brings with it many diseases.

Monsoon, for all its beauty, is actually the season in which most people get sick. Monsoon is the season when diseases are rampant along with the greenery. But don't worry, with a few tips and precautions, no One can also enjoy the monsoon without worrying about getting sick

Having a shower after a hot and humid day can be a favorite. There is no denying the fact that some diseases can occur during the rainy season. During monsoons our immune system also weakens, resulting in many water borne diseases that we are prone to. can be

However, we all should be aware of why our body is vulnerable during rainy season or how we can stay safe.

Different types of monsoon diseases.

This seasonal change causes various types of monsoon diseases, along with the rainy season some common diseases cause ill health. These diseases include

Cold and cough.

Mosquito borne diseases: Malaria, dengue.



Hepatitis A.

 Skin problems peak during the monsoons, mostly due to infections that the rains bring with them, including bacteria, viruses, and fungi.

Common Monsoon Diseases Prevention Tips

Monsoon Season Precautions

This seasonal change also causes various types of monsoon diseases, along with the rainy season some common diseases are also brought along. 

How to stay healthy and reduce the risk of illness during monsoons.

There is no doubt that Monsoon is the favorite season as it provides relief from the scorching summer heat. Unfortunately, this season brings with it many diseases, dangers and has a significant impact on our immunity. Dengue, Malaria and Typhoid are all very dangerous diseases for humans.

Because mosquitoes reproduce during this season and start spreading. However, you just need to avoid them. Follow doctor's health advice to prevent deadly diseases and strengthen immunity

Avoid eating out and prefer freshly cooked food.

Diseases like typhoid and hepatitis A spread more easily during monsoons due to contaminated food and water. Use only filtered or boiled water, and never water that has been standing for a couple of hours.

Eat light, freshly prepared foods. Avoid raw vegetables, especially leafy ones, and clean all vegetables and fruits with dirt, larvae, rotting, and other contaminants before eating. Most importantly, all agricultural foods should be properly cleaned. Should be washed.

Get into the habit of washing and drying your feet.

Common Monsoon Diseases Prevention Tips

Another disease that is very important in this season is fungal infection, especially in the feet. Every day, clean and dry your feet thoroughly, especially if they are coming from rain or mud. Wearing wet shoes for long periods of time is prohibited. After drying your feet thoroughly, apply a balm or moisturizer that has antifungal or antibiotic properties to prevent any skin problems.

Shower twice a day and wear clean clothes.

Bathing twice a day is recommended during cold monsoon days to avoid infections caused by excess sweat and dirtiness due to humidity. Do not forget to wash your clothes regularly and if possible So dry them in the sun and iron them before wearing. This kills the fungal spores and prevents skin diseases.

Carry anti-allergy medications with you.

Allergy sufferers know very quickly that the monsoon season has arrived. In this season, sensitive people get worse or develop other new symptoms. Therefore, it is advised to stay away from allergies. Stay, and keep your anti-allergy medication with you at all times as this is the season in which the maximum temperature increases the breeding of many deadly insect species.

Common Monsoon Diseases Prevention Tips

Use a germs spray.

Avoid walking on wet sidewalks and roads, as these serve as breeding grounds for mosquitoes. Avoid insects such as neem leaves and cloves to reduce the risk of infection spread by mosquitoes and flies. Do not allow water to accumulate in and around your home and advise others to do the same.

Keep your trash cans covered.

Make sure your trash cans and garbage are properly covered. They should be covered at all times so that mosquitoes don't have a place to breed.

Precautions for rainy season are really simple and easy to follow. Health check-up is an effective tool for detecting diseases, which in turn helps in early treatment and complete treatment. It is easy to stay safe and get proper treatment. So contact the doctor in time for treatment. 

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