Make Skin Whitening Bleach Cream At Home

Make Skin Whitening Bleach Cream At Home

Today we are going to show you how to whiten your skin. It is actually a natural bleach cream. It will remove shadows, stains. It will make your face extremely white and beautiful and clear. Any acne, pimples or spots on your face will be removed, God willing. The way to make this remedy is to first take a clean cup.

Take a tablespoon of small pieces of tomato in it. Wash the red tomatoes and cut them into small pieces. Then add a tablespoon of potato pieces. Wash and peel the potatoes and make small cubes. Then put them. Add a tablespoon of the stone pieces, including the shells. All three contain bleaching properties. They are good for the face. They are rich in vitamin C.

Make Skin Whitening Bleach Cream At Home

They will remove the scars on your face and make your face tingle. Now grind these three ingredients. Now this paste will be ready. Then add a tablespoon of red artist lentil powder. Grind the red lentils. These are Total Skin White Ingredients. It also removes shadows. Now add a tablespoon of flour. Take the same flour that is present in the house.

The vitamins in it help the skin to grow very well. Now mix. Now it's a natural skin whitening bleach. Here's how to use this paste. Massage it lightly. Apply it lightly on your face. If you find the paste too thick. So add a little water. This will make it look good on the face.

Make Skin Whitening Bleach Cream At Home

Take the peel of a stone. Massage your face with it again for one minute. You used to massage with the mixture. Now massage the peel of the stone. Then leave your face for fifteen to twenty minutes. After 15 to 20 minutes, wash your face with clean water. You will see how great the result will be. How shiny the skin is. The color has changed. You have to use this remedy once in ten days. Using it only once will bring your complexion before your eyes. You will get very good results.

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